Thanks to the NICU Team at Northwest Health, Riley and Hailey – Born 18 Weeks Early – Were Able to Celebrate Their First Birthday
“I was having a normal pregnancy. Just two weeks before I went into premature labor I had an anatomy scan and everything looked good,” said Megan. “Then all of a sudden I started cramping and spotting. That’s what brought me to the OB –ER at Northwest Health.”
Megan was admitted and the OB team worked to stop her contractions, but it became apparent her twin babies would be coming soon.
Two days later, Megan’s daughters were born at 22 weeks. Riley Marie was born at 10:40 a.m. and weighed 1 pound and 5 ounces. Hailey Rose came 40 minutes later and weighed 1 pound and 9 ounces. Both were immediately rushed to the Northwest Health - Porter Level 3 NICU.
“The first week was pretty critical. But we learned right away that our girls were little fighters,” recalled Megan. “We were told by the NICU team to take it day by day and I remember looking up at my husband and saying, ‘we’ll take it hour by hour.’”
Both Riley and Hailey were intubated and on machines to help them breathe. “It was a scary time. There were so many machines and cords attached the girls to help them survive, “said Megan. “We were here every day and learned early on to trust the team as we saw the girls becoming stronger and stronger.”
Riley was discharged after four months in the NICU, then one month later Hailey was able to come home too.
“I felt like we had guardian angels watching over us. The NICU team was amazing – all of them – the doctors, nurses and respiratory therapists. They treated our babies like they were their own babies. And they were like therapists to us – they worked to support us and were so compassionate. They became like family to us and we are still in contact with several of them,“ said Megan.