Procedures Available
Bariatric surgery is an important decision. Those considering bariatric surgery are encouraged to do research, consult with a doctor and commit to a healthier lifestyle. Weight loss surgery is a serious undertaking, and patients who have had surgery require close monitoring as well as life-long use of special foods and vitamins.
Deciding which type of surgery is right for you requires an understanding of each procedure, and the effects on your diet and lifestyle. Consultation with your surgeon will also help you choose the right solution for your weight loss goals.
While weight loss surgery has shown to be an effective tool, no method, including surgery, guarantees to produce and maintain a lower weight. Success requires a lifelong commitment to behavioral change, new eating habits and medical follow-up.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure reduces the size of the stomach and reroutes food through the intestine. It involves dividing the upper portion of the stomach to create a smaller stomach pouch. This restricts the amount of food that can be consumed at one time. The surgeon then connects the pouch to a section of the lower intestine, so that the food will bypass the area where calories and nutrients are absorbed.
The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery also causes changes in hormones that can help to promote a feeling of fullness.
Whenever possible, bariatric surgeons at Northwest Health use a minimally invasive laparoscopic approach, which often requires a shorter hospital stay. Minimally invasive surgery may lead to less pain and scarring and a quicker recovery.
Sleeve Gastrectomy
A sleeve gastrectomy procedure, also called "the vertical sleeve" or "the sleeve," involves removing a portion of the stomach, leaving a slender stomach "sleeve." This new stomach is about one-third of its original size, which means patients feel full or satisfied after eating a smaller amount of food. This surgery also causes changes in hormones that work to promote a feeling of fullness. Sleeve gastrectomy limits the amount of food you can eat and helps you to feel full faster, longer.
At Northwest Health, this procedure is typically performed using a minimally invasive technique call laparoscopy. It uses several small incisions rather than a large incision. Patient benefits often include a shorter hospital stay, less pain, less scarring and a quicker recovery.
Revision and Conversion Surgeries
For a variety of reasons, patients may experience the need for revisions or conversions of their original operations. Those procedures can be discussed with and performed by a surgeon.
All bariatric surgeries are performed at Northwest Health – La Porte, 1331 State Street, in La Porte, Indiana.
For more information about bariatric surgery please call (219) 402-5057.
Patient results may vary. Consult your physician about the benefits and risks of any surgical procedure or treatment.